Fill out the following information and send it to us at [email protected] to apply for membership! Please allow 1 week for consideration to our squad!
First name:
Last name:
Shirt size:
Shipping address:
Not Human Clothing{{ ------------BEGIN THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}
{% assign: Your_Address = "" %}
{% assign: City_State_Zip = "Wichita, KS 67207" %}
{% assign: Contact_Page_Text = "How to contact Not Human" %}
{% assign: Phone_Number = "(316) 644-9298" %}
{% assign: Email = "[email protected]" %}
{% assign: Customer_Service = "Hit us up with questions anytime.
Please allow up to 48 hours for a response to your application." %}
{% assign: Contact_Submit_Success_Message = "Your message has been sent and we will respond as soon as possible." %}
{{ ------------END THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}