Rep Team -footer- -f2-

 photo RepTeam_zps4c84d5e5.png

Want to be a member of the Not Human Rep Team and earn free gear? Well sign up and we'll give you a Rep Code that gives you 20% off your entire order, just for spreadin the word. Amazing right? But that's not all, if you, your friends or your family members use the code, you receive FREE Not Human Clothing! All you have to to do is have them use your Rep Code when purchasing. You can blast the code on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or where ever you want. Once you get 5 orders with your code, you earn a FREE T-Shirt. 10 orders gets you a FREE hat, sweater, or hoodie. 15 orders will earn you a shirt, a hat or beanie and a hoodie or sweatshirt. We’ll keep a record of the clothing sales and we will let you when someone uses your code.

Fill out the following information and send it to us at [email protected] to apply for membership! Please allow 1 week for consideration to our squad!

First name:
Last name:
Shirt size:
Shipping address:


Not Human Clothing

{{ ------------BEGIN THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}

{% assign: Your_Address = "" %}
{% assign: City_State_Zip = "Wichita, KS 67207" %}
{% assign: Contact_Page_Text = "How to contact Not Human" %}
{% assign: Phone_Number = "(316) 644-9298" %}
{% assign: Email = "[email protected]" %}
{% assign: Customer_Service = "Hit us up with questions anytime.
Please allow up to 48 hours for a response to your application." %}
{% assign: Contact_Submit_Success_Message = "Your message has been sent and we will respond as soon as possible." %}

{{ ------------END THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}